Unusual Questions Tag

I love typical Tags, Get To Know Me's and general Q&A's, I feel it really gives you an insight into the person you are watching or reading and lets you get to know them on more of a personal and real level I guess, but at the same time there have always been really random and unusual questions I'd love to hear people's thoughts and answers to but they are just barely asked... That's when I figured, if I wanted to hear people's answers to really weird, random questions I'd like to see, then why not just create a tag myself, where I can let you know my answers but also get the chance to ask others to join in and see what they would say!
So I'll be answering a few fun and unusual questions myself and will tag a few people at the end to also do this tag and answer the questions themselves, over on their blog's because I think it's such a fun and different way to get to know someone.

- What animal would be cutest if scaled down to the size of a cat?
100% I'd have to say either a panda or sheep, I mean can you actually imagine that?! How cute!!
- What would be your first question after being woken up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?
Does 'What The F**k!?' count as a question? Because if so that would definitely be it haha! But if not, I'd be asking if my family, boyfriend and pets were alive obviously!
- If money and time weren't an issue, what hobby would you take up?
I'd like to say skydiving but as I've never actually tried it before that could be a terrible thing to decide to take up! So maybe photography, as it recently became such a huge passion of mine!
- What is your irrational fear?
As morbid as it is, I have this horrible, irrational fear of death. Silly I guess, but its such a massive part of why I have anxiety.
- If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
I'd 100% read more and learn more about things that I'm interested in! And probably practice makeup more so I can improve my skills.
- What are two things you would do if you woke up to find yourself completely invisible?
1) First I'd see if people could hear me, probably by dancing on tables and acting like a mad person etc.. 2) Then pretend I'm a ghost - I'd technically be close - and scare people or move things around... Does that make me a bad person?! Haha

- How many slices of pizza are you capable of eating in one sitting?
It really depends on the size of the slice, but usually only 2 or 3... I know, I'm disappointed and ashamed of myself too!
- If it were possible would you live on the moon?
I think that as long as I had seen all the places that I want to visit here on earth first then sure, why not!
- What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?
Ah.. I have a scar on the top of my foot. I managed to spill boiling noodles on myself and caused second-degree burns, you know, because I'm just the least clumsy person ever... not!
- Who are two of your favourite comedians?
By far, Jimmy Carr and Jack Whitehall, they are both hilarious!!
- What skills do you posses that could help you survive the zombie apocalypse?
None... Ha! Err, I guess I've seen a lot of zombie-based movies and shows, so that would put me at a slight advantage, other than that I'm very quiet but I'm pretty sure that doesn't exactly count as a 'skill'.

- If you could master one musical instrument, what would it be?
Piano, without a doubt. I think it's the most elegant instrument and sound, I'd honestly feel so talented even being able to play something simple like 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' haha!
- What job would you be terrible at?
I like to believe I'm pretty adaptable when it comes to working, but I can definitely say I would be terrible at factory work, standing all day and lifting heavy objects really isn't for me and probably isn't great for my health either!
- What do you wish you knew more about?
Honestly, so many things! History, science, culture, space, the list is almost never-ending. I'd generally love to be more knowledgeable in almost every area possible.

- What TV show or movie do you refuse to watch?
There really isn't much that I 'refuse' to watch, I will literally watch almost anything as I'm a sucker for any good story!
I would have to say foreign films and shows, there isn't one in particular but I hate having to concentrate on subtitles the whole time to understand what's happening, so I just barely watch them.
Yay, I've officially finished my first 'Tag'!
I'd love to know what your thoughts on this 'Unusual Questions Tag' are and if you'd be interested in seeing a 'Part 2', because it was honestly so much fun answering these questions and I cannot wait to see everyone else's responses too!
People I'm tagging to do this post :
Cassie at ZombieGoddessBeauty.Com
Shannon at GoingWithHappy.Com
@PakiiDoll at PakiMUPrincess.Blogspot.Com
Becci at BecciBlogsBlog.Wordpress.Com
Nikki at NikkiTellsIt.Com
Please feel free to tag anyone else that you'd like to see answer these questions, bloggers, Youtubers etc.. or even answer them yourselves and leave me a link below so I can check them all out, I'd love to read and can't wait to hear what you say!
Also be sure to check out all the other girls blog's that I've tagged to see how they answered too and get to know them!
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