10 Facts About Me
So I decided to give you all 10 random facts about me, hopefully things you wouldn't otherwise know, just to get to know me all a little better.

1 - I have a tattoo. Just the one, but I definitely plan to get more.
2 - I am petrified of Moths, Frogs, Chickens and Ladybugs! Honestly, they are the worst!
3 - I do not eat lamb, sheep are my favorite animal. And dolphins, and octopuses!
4 - I am actually a really shy person... To begin with. Once you get to know me however, I'm sure you'd find I'm a little strange and can talk for years!
5 - I moved out of home when I was just 17. I have lived in 3 places since.
6 - I have a Bearded Dragon, he's honestly the greatest pet in the entire world! Yes, I'm a little bias though.
7 - I have never been on a plane.. But I plan to change that this year!
8 - I can't swim. Yet. I will learn!!
9 - I am the eldest of four, I have 2 brothers and a sister.
10 - I have broken my nose twice, leaving me with a horrible wonky nose haha!
Let me know in the comments if there are any random facts you'd like to know, if you relate to any of mine, and if I should do another 10 facts in the future.