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Fall Photography

Autumn / Fall truly is an incredible and beautiful time of year, the trees change as leaves begin to fall and everywhere is surrounded by true autumnal shades of yellows, browns, oranges and reds. Jumpers and scarves make their way out of closets and into the new seasons wardrobe ready to face the changing weather, colder days and darker nights.

There is honestly so much beauty around us in the changing seasons and many incredibly cosy things too and I wanted to share that through my eyes - and lens - in a post dedicated purely to my photography of the current season.



What are some of your favourite things about Fall / Autumn and the changing season?

What are your 'go to' images to capture at this time of year?

Let me know in the comments or email and also let me know any post ideas that you have or would like to see!

*This is not an ad nor sponsored. *All Images Are My Own.

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