My Journey With Photography... So Far

Although photography is something I've definitely always been interested in, in the last year there was something that suddenly re-sparked such passion for it within me, and I found myself attached to my camera constantly, always looking to shoot something new and different, wether it be my family, products or nature, and I wanted to share that journey and passion here with you all, where I can hopefully give tips, show my photography and experiences with you that is also somewhere that my photography is already ever present.
I remember the moment that photography became such an interest to me, it was also the moment that my deep connection to photos and photography began. I was 15 and having a conversation with my mum, we were talking about Christmas - I'm assuming in preparation for that years celebrations - when we realised that I had completely forgotten that Christmas all together and had actually remembered snippets of another year and thought it was the previous, of course I freaked out a little because I had completely forgotten a whole Christmas, which is my favourite time of year and from that moment I had an inner urge for photography and wanting to capture moments and memories that I have in photos forever.
That was only the start of course of my passion, the reason I have such a personal connection to taking photos and photography as a whole, but its been 7 years since then and a lot has changed in that time, especially as I've grown as a person and become an adult.

Obviously my passion for photography hasn't ever changed, if anything I believe its grown tremendously - like I said at the start of this post, this year I've had another sudden spark of passion - but the main focus of my photography has changed quite a lot, I no longer just want to capture my own memories, I want to capture the world and the beauty that there is in it, insects, wildlife, trees, people, objects, I just want to capture as many beautiful image as is possible in my lifetime.
At the moment a lot of my photography is product based due to the amount of beauty, skincare etc. photography I do for my blog posts, but I also take images that I don't really share online at all but would love to - I enjoy taking images of flowers and bees, my family members, random objects - which is why I wanted to add this photography section to my blog, so I could share those images and also share my journey with you.

I think the reason I enjoy taking photographs so much is purely down to the feeling that I get when I capture an image I'm truly proud of and sometimes can't believe I've taken, of course that isn't all the time and with every photo, but when I do its an incredible feeling and makes me want to push myself to capture even better images and to constantly improve my skills.
I also think there is a beauty to what the camera can capture compared to the eye and how people, places and environments can look so unique and original though each photographers eyes - or lens shall I say - and it is truly fascinating to me!
As this is a post all about my journey with photography so far, I wanted to show a couple of 'Then & Now' images to share and show my progress - even if they aren't incredibly huge changes - and a few of the images that I've captured :






I'm of course not a professional and I am definitely not at the best of my potential yet, I know I will produce better images over time and I'm excited to experience that growth, continue to improve my skills and hopefully become the photographer that I want to be. I believe with time, practice and consistency I will definitely accomplish that!
Drop me a comment telling me your favourite things about photography and what images you most prefer to shoot!
Also let me know if there are any specific photography-based posts that you would like to see me do.
And of course, any questions or queries, ask away or feel free too drop me an email!

( Leaving with this cute picture of my gorgeous dog Benji haha!)
*This is not an ad nor sponsored. *All Images Are My Own.