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Feel More Festive This December

For as long as I can remember, Christmas has always been my favourite time of year,

and also the time where I feel most excited and full of spirit, but honestly, that deep Christmas spirit doesn't always come naturally and I occasionally need a push to feel a little more festive, even with Christmas only days away!

So I've decided to do a post dedicated to anyone who many be lacking that festive feeling,

and share with you my tips to feeling more festive this winter.


Christmas Music -

I find that singing and dancing my way around the house to some of my favourite

Christmas songs is always a great way to start feeling more festive, whether I'm

wrapping presents or just cleaning the house, I'll always put my favourite

Christmas music on when it hits December.

Decorations -

Another great way to help you feel more festive is to decorate the places that you use

most in your house and give them a more Christmassy feel, for example, my vanity desk

and computer desk are both places that I am at a few times a day, so adding a few lights

and a little tinsel can make all the difference in the area, and then in turn you, feeling a

little more festive.

Scented Candles -

Personally for me, nothing beats being sat at my desk, whilst its dark outside, burning

some gorgeously festive candles close by, and more often than not, I try to go for scents that are either very typical Christmas scents or ones that remind me of Christmas when I was younger.

Christmas Books -

Personally, one of my favourite things to do when I'm trying to feel more festive is to sit and read a good Christmas book, I can just sit back and escape into my own little world imaging the little towns in the book looking all whimsical and festive, which always makes me feel a little warm inside and ready to decorate the house head to toe.

Hot-Chocolate With Toppings -

Making myself a nice hot-chocolate and adding a few toppings like cream and marshmallows, almost always makes me feel more festive, especially on those days where it's foggy out and there is frost on the grass and rooftops, a good series and I'm sorted.

Festive Bath Bombs -

Relaxing in a nice hot bath is one of my favourite things to do, and more times than not I love adding little things like bath bombs into them just to add extra fragrance and sass, so simply switching up your normal ones for bath bombs a little more seasonal ones will

definitely get you feeling more festive in no time.

Christmas Movies -

It may seem like an obvious one, but nothing puts me in more of a Christmassy and festive mood than sitting on my sofa under a fluffy blanket and watching my favourite Christmas movies, not only do they make you feel whimsical, but also ready for the season.

Cards & Presents -

Nothing feels more Christmassy to me than being sat on the floor on a winters evening wrapping presents in festive paper and writing out cards to friends and family, add that to a few others tips I've shared, like hot-chocolate with toppings and it makes for a perfect festive night in.


Leave a comment below and let me know what you though of my festive tips, and also leave me some comments with how you get yourself festive in December, as I'm always looking to feel more festive this time of year!

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