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Not Forcing Content...

Over the last couple of months I found that I've been lacking quite frequently both motivation and inspiration, which in turn has affected my blog, social media and their content,

and is something that I feel I need and want to address.

If I am being completely honest, I don't want nor feel the need to force content that I will not be fully behind nor happy with, why push half-arsed blog posts and thoughts your way?!

So I want to start by apologising for the lack of posts on the blog over the last few months and to also reassure you that slowly and surely I am beginning to find my motivation and inspiration again and it honestly feels great, so do expect more frequent content again.

And if at all you also feel in a little bit of a rut with either motivation or inspiration yourself, know that it will pass and you will soon find your flow again, believe me!


Getting a little more personal, I really believe that a lot of this lack of motivation or inspiration I've been experiencing really comes from being in a personal place and situation that I guess I'm not fully ok with.

My health is something that I constantly try to forget about and move past, but the truth is, it's much harder than that, I am unwell and I think sometimes I like to pretend I'm not,

and concentrate on anything else, which obviously takes it toll eventually,

as has shown recently in my lack of posts and in the content itself.

I've not at all been feeling me and honestly I've almost taken this time to concentrate on myself, which I do think it is important to sometimes take a step back and breath, and to take a moment for yourself without worrying too much about the consequences.

Over working yourself, especially when you don't feel great, can have such a negative effect on that thing you've been working on, and I found that when I was trying to force myself to create content and get it up, I wasn't enjoying it and I wanted to do anything but...

And losing my enjoyment and passion for blogging and trying products, isn't something I want nor am willing to do. I starting this as a hobby because it was something I enjoyed doing, so taking that small break has really helped me keep in touch with why I started to begin with, which personally, is super important to me, I don't want to do something I don't love.


Leave me a comment below if you've been experiencing anything similar recently and leave any tips for getting through it that you may have.

*This is not an ad nor sponsored.


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