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21 Things I Learnt By 21.

Having celebrated another birthday on Monday and 21 years on this planet, I've started to think about all the things that I have learnt over the years, and all the things I would tell my younger self if I were able, and so I decided to put together 21 helpful little things that I have learnt by 21.


1 -

Whilst you are in school it may feel like it lasts your whole life and that it is never ending,

but in reality school takes up so little time in your life and you never realise until you leave.

2 -

It honestly is impossible to please everyone, and that's ok!

3 -

Don't get caught up in the idea of being stick thin and losing weight constantly,

being happy and healthy is what really matters, mind and body.

4 -

We all do it at some point in our lives, but don't compare yourself to other people, we are each individuals with our own differences and no two people are walking the same path,

always remember that.

5 -

Realise that not everyone has the same heart and same intentions as you, there are many great people in the world but there are also bad people too.

6 -

Spend time with your family, including grandparents, whilst you and they are still around, you will look back and wish you had otherwise.

7 -

Answer the phone when your parents call,

it may be annoying at the time and they may be disturbing whatever it is that you are doing, but they worry and for good reason, something I never fully realised until I grew out of that 'teenager' stage.

8 -

Your health is truly so important and sometimes young people can take advantage of that and forget that they are in control of their health for the most part.

Make sure you are looking after your body the best you are able to, including good hygiene.

9 -

This is your life so don't let anyone make you feel guilty for living it the way you want,

to an extent obviously, but do what makes you happy and go for goals without caring.

10 -

Nothing in life will hold you back more than your own insecurities,

I've learnt that thousands of people could believe in you, but it won't matter if you don't believe in yourself, so know that whatever it is that you want to do, you can do it!

11 -

Surround yourself with people that reflect what you want to be and how you want to feel, because it is so easy to pick up on other peoples energies, being around people with the same goals or mind set as yourself can boost you up and motivate you.

12 -

Not everyone will understand the journey that you are on, they don't need to,

this is your life, and your only shot at it, so don't worry if not everybody understands where you are trying to get in life and what you want out of it too.

13 -

Your life and time are precious, don't waste it on people that don't realise you are too,

there will be plenty of people in life that will see your worth and value the time they get to spend with you, so forget about that guy who made you cry, or that friend that never has time for you, you'll meet you right people along the way.

14 -

Even the roughest times will come to an end,

it isn't always easy, and it may not always seem like it at the time, but it will end and you will have made it through, and you'll probably be a stronger, braver person afterward.

15 -

As you grow older you look for very different things in people,

from friends to relationships, more loyalty and integrity, your group of friends may get smaller,

but you will want to be surrounded by positive and driven people you will help lift you and not bring you down, at least in my case anyway.

16 -

As long as you are doing your best, you are doing enough,

that honestly applies to everything, don't put yourself down for anything you are doing,

as long as you are trying, that really is all that matters and someone will notice your effort.

17 -

You can be friends with somebody for years, you may have been through a lot together and shared countless memories, but there is still every chance you may grow apart. As mention previously, as you grow up you change as a person, and so does everyone else.

18 -

You never really feel 'grown up', it constantly feel like you aren't old enough to be doing all the things that you have to do, at least that's the case with me anyway, I sometimes feel like a teenager in an adult's body, even after almost 4 years of living without parents.

19 -

The small things in life really are what matter the most, like spending time with your family, laughing with your other half, being brought a cup of tea when you aren't feeling great, appreciate them moments more, as they are the fondest memories as you get older.

20 -

Don't worry about what you are unable to control, I know that is sometimes easier said than done, but why spend so much time worried about things you are unable to change or control, when you could accept it and at least try to live your life the same.

21 -

Get outdoors, honestly I think that in this day and age, with technology and computers, so many people live their lives almost completely indoors, not only can getting out benefit your health but something it leads to the best days and memories.


Leave a comment below if you feel like you can relate to come of the things that I have learnt over the years and let me know some of the things that you have learnt.

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