10 Tips For Moving Out Young

Moving out young is something that myself, and many other people have experienced, regardless of the reasons or ages, moving out young is tough, more on some people than others, that's a given, but overall I feel like there are a few little tips to help and make things a little less stressful for those who are moving out young, although I do think many of these tips are helpful for anyone moving out on their own for the first time, despite age.
1) Lightbulbs -
Buying spare bulbs is something I always used to forget when I first moved out and I
would find myself switching the lightbulbs around in the house just to have bulbs in the
most used rooms until I was able to go and purchase more. And not having a light at the
top of the stairs at night is definitely a "run from the ghosts and turn on a light" moment and is probably a little dangerous too!
2) Meal Plan - If you are not someone who meal plans then at least do a rough list and plan, it will make the whole food shopping experience so much easier and you won't have to spent hours walking around the store wondering what to get and what stuff you actually need.
3) Toilet Roll - This might just be me, please let me know if it is, but our house always goes through toilet roll so much quicker than I expect, and I've found that buying just one extra pack makes all the difference when you suddenly realise that you don't have any in the toilet or bathroom.
4) Keep In Touch - When you first move out it is all new and exciting, especially if you are young, and sometimes it's easy to get caught up in your own little bubble, having your own space and having all these new things you have to do for yourself, but make sure you keep in touch with everyone, friends and family, whether they live five minutes away or five hours away.
5) Microwave -
Honestly, when you are young and have just moved out a microwave can sometimes be your best friend! It sounds odd I know, but moving out young you don't always have loads of money saved and are on a little more of a budget, plus most teenagers much prefer
faster meals than having to cook for hours on end, or at least that's how I was when I
first moved out, so a microwave comes in super handy, even if you use it less with time.
6) Spare Keys -
Always be sure to have at least one spare key, even to give to a parent, as the last thing you want is to arrive home, realise you have lost your keys and not have a back up, that will only lead to unnecessary payments to get your locks changed or calls to your landlord if they have a spare themselves.
7) Wait For Luxuries -
As much as having the internet and the nicest furniture is lovely, and a must to some people, leave it a couple of months before buying these luxuries, as it will give you the chance to really know your bills and your monthly out-goings, then you will know exactly how much you have to spend on things for yourself.
8) Recycle -
This is something that so many people over look, and it can actually make such a difference. Recycling isn't only good for the environment, but it can actually save you so much space in your rubbish bins, so you don't have to worry about making it to bin day in they are getting full, as so much of the things we use daily can be recycled.
9) Know The Area -
One of the best things you can do when you first find out where you are going to live is to scout the area, find out there the bus stops are, places to eat, small shops etc., this will ensure that you at least partly know the area and where to go when you first move in.
10) Ask For Help -
If you find that anything is becoming a little difficult or you are stuck with something, do not be too proud or afraid to ask for help, parents, relatives, even friends, that is what they are there for, and nine times out or ten, they are more than happy to help.

Let me know in the comments below if you found any of these tip helpful and any tip you have yourself for someone moving out young, or moving out in general.
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