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Pinterest Sunday

I have decided that every Sunday or at least every other Sunday, I would like to share with you all my favorite pins of the week.

Pinterest for me is a place where I get inspiration for gorgeous outfits, beauty ideas, and also a place I get to day-dream in awe at the incredible architecture and decor of some of the most beautiful homes I have ever seen. There are also endless amounts of inspiring quotes that make me smile or remind me to work harder everyday, as-well as dreamy vacation pictures to really set-in motivation.

Whatever it may be, I find myself pinning crazy amounts of images daily and frequently find myself scrolling through and through when I need inspiration either for the blog or in my day to day life.

For some people Tumblr is that place, but personally Pinterest really stands out for me and appeals to me and what I like more so.


I would also like to state that I do not own the rights to nor did I take any of the images in this post. All images came from Pinterest and links are on the images, click to pin.

Here are this weeks top pins:



Let me know in the comments below if Pinterest is somewhere you find yourself frequently, or where you get your inspiration from.


*I do not own rights to any nor did I take any of the images in this post. All images from Pinterest, all images linked.

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